What are glass dab rigs?

Dab rigs are now a popular device used for vaporizing cannabis concentrates. This pipe is sometimes referred to as vapor rig, oil rig, or concentrate pipe. You may feel overwhelmed to use the dab rigs, especially as a beginner. But fear not because we are going to show you amazing facts about the glass dab rigs. 

You might ask, “Why dab rigs in the first place?” Well, the answer is that dab rigs are great devices that have the ability to purify your herbs to the best level. 

Now, you don’t have to rely on a vaporizer to get the perfect hit. You can simply get maximum satisfaction from your herbs using dabs. 

However, both vaporizers and dab rigs are closely related in that they refer to inhale vapor produced after heating your concentrates. 

There are different designs and levels of dab rigs in the market and you can familiarize yourself with the various designs in the market before making your buying decision. You can get the best dab rigs in our store. 

This guide will help you make the most informed decision while looking for dab rigs. 

What are glass dab rigs?

A glass dab rig isn’t designed to catch anything on fire like the pipe, bong, or other traditional smoking mechanisms. Instead, a nail is usually heated up with a torch and the concentrated extracts are dabbed onto it. As soon as the herb extracts are heated up, they produce vapor for you to inhale. 

You can get the same level of medication that you get with several drags off a traditional bong or pipe. The effectiveness of the dabbing method is the major reason why it has grown to become popular. Now, there’s been such an explosion of dab rigs on the market. 

What is dabbing?

It is important that you understand what dabbing is before taking more about dab rigs. Like we said earlier, “dabbing” is a term used when you dab a small amount of concentrated medication, either in an oil or wax form, onto your rig to get vapor. Oil concentrates are, however, fairly thick and would stick well to the nail. 

The process of dabbing becomes easier once you’ve done it a few times. However, how you do it depends on the style of rig you’re using. 

Basically, dabbing involves applying a small amount of concentrate onto a nail- the heating element. 

Most nails are heated using torches, except the e-nails. You can sometimes buy glass bad rigs and torches in a set, but most times they are sold separately. 

When dabbing, you must first heat the nail and then apply the oil or wax. Place your mouth on the mouthpiece as you apply the oil or wax because you should vapor immediately. You can then inhale and enjoy. 

Basic components of glass dab rigs

Most dab rigs are made up of three basic components: A nail, a glass piece, and a torch lighter. Some people prefer to apply their concentrates using actual dabbers- a short, small rod. 

Some glass dab rigs come as a complete set that includes dabbers and torches. Most people like mixing these components to achieve a one-of-a-kind setup. Besides, beginners are advised to start with dab rig sets that contain everything you need. 

Advantages of using glass dab rigs

If you love to dab, you should get a decent rig for yourself as it offers a lot of advantages, including:

Safety: A well-designed dab rig keeps you safe while dabbing. This is important because you’re dealing with fire and heat. 

Convenience: Glass dab rigs offer you everything you need to enjoy your favorite concentrate. 

Style: Dab rigs have amazing styles. You can choose from the different styles available and mix and match components to your get unique design.

There are really no disadvantages of using glass dab rigs, except if you purchase a low-quality rig with a poor nail design. In this case, you can lose a lot of concentrates because the nails either don’t get hot enough or gets too hot. 

You can avoid this problem by buying decent glass dab rigs. You can check our store to see a list of the best options of dab tools. 

Final Remark

No doubt, glass dab rigs are one of the smoking tools you need for a great dabbing experience. As a newbie, you can consider buying a set that includes a touch and a dabber. As you progress, you can upgrade to using differing nails and components to get the perfect configuration. 

If you’re trying to look for the perfect rig, it may take you a lot of time. You can get the best glass dab rigs in our online headshop / online smoke shop. Remember, you can always try other nails and components to get your ideal configuration. 

You can also read about >> What is and how to use an electronic/electric e-nail dab kit?

Shop Here >> Electronic/Electric E-Nail Dab Kits

Dab rigs

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